Vernier caliper reading exercises
Vernier caliper reading exercises

At every 1-2 order of magnitudeĬhange in distance, our instruments to measure the distances accuratelyĬan differ. The other extreme of the smallest distances, new discoveries are pushing itĭown to femto-meter (10 -15 m) or even less. Light-years, the distances so vast that we cannot see them from our eyes. At one extreme, our vast universe extends this measuring exercise to Measurement is a fundamental part of all scientific experiments, including How much we know about the Vernier calipers? How much we know about the Vernier calipers?.Drop a comment below if you encounter any difficulties. The final calculation will be $3.34 \, – 0.04 = 3.30$ cm, which is the same as my method. Hence, you will have to SUBTRACT 0.04 cm from ALL measurements in order to get the true measurement. Normal method: Since the zero error is +0.04 cm, this means that all measurements taken by the vernier calipers will be larger by 0.04 cm. This means that once you have determined the nature of the zero error (positive or negative), you can just subtract the zero error and be sure that your final answer is correct.Ĭonsider a zero error of +0.04 cm. The subtraction is done in the above case is to have an elegant way of obtaining a resultant addition: $3.34 + 0.04 = 3.38$ and to make it COMPATIBLE with positive zero error. Hence, you will have to ADD 0.04 cm to ALL measurements in order to get the TRUE measurement. Since the zero error is -0.04 cm, this means that all measurements taken by the vernier calipers will be SMALLER by 0.04cm. If you do not understand the subtraction of the negative zero error from the measurement, please read on. Zero error: – 0.04 cm (negative because the vernier scale is to the left) (Meaning: get rid of the zero error in the measurement or take into account the zero error) The reading on the top is the measurement obtained and the reading at the bottom is the zero error.

Vernier caliper reading exercises